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Introducing GenAI in Analytics

Ask questions like a travel leader, get insights like a data analyst

Revolutionizing business intelligence with real-time AI-powered search, analysis, and insights for the corporate travel world.

    GenAi in Analytics


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Natural language search

Just type in your question like you’re chatting with a friend—who happens to be a data expert.

AI-generated answers

Search results are automatically organized into customizable answers and visuals.

AI-generated synonyms and descriptions

Ask anything, anyway you like. GenAI can understand different ways of saying the same thing.

Human-in-the-loop feedback

If the answer isn’t quite right, you can easily correct it, making the tool smarter and more precise with each use.

Instant AI highlights

See what’s changed with your top KPIs and why within seconds with the click of a button.

Get started with these tips and tricks

Ready to own your data and unleash its power? Download our GenAI in Analytics Trips and Tricks infographic to get started. Learn how to switch on and talk to your personal data analyst now.

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Capitalize on emerging technologies in corporate travel

Technological advancements are accelerating at an unprecedented pace. How will emerging innovations like Generative AI, blockchain, and self-sovereign identity (SSI) transform corporate travel?

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Experience the future of Analytics today

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