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Rest for Success – 9 essentials for an enjoyable stay

December 21, 2018


By Julian Walker
Head of External Market Communications and PR, CWT

If you read our previous blog where we asked what you value most from an airline, the next logical question for travelers is, 'what do you value from a hotel?'

While away our hotel is our home, It's important that it offers a certain level of comfort. But what is your definition of comfort? Here are some factors you might value most:

  1. Cleanliness - You can be as frugal in your demands as a Shaolin monk, but you can't stand the sight of dust or dodgy looking stains.
  2. Water pressure and temperature - Even in the most glamorous hotels, this can be an issue. You want to be able to feel the water all over your body - not just a trickle on your right knee -  and wash your hair in five minutes. You also want to be able to select the right temperature. Can there be a middle ground between Arctic and boiling
  3. Location - You can be the type of person that doesn't care to stay in a godforsaken part of the city as long as it is near to your meetings’ location or, on the other hand, you might be looking for a central location near attractions and restaurants so you can enjoy your free time after a hard day at work.
  4. Room service - You might prefer to have a quiet night in catching up on emails or just chilling in your room so, for you, it is imperative that more is on offer in this regard than a sad vending machine at the end of the corridor.
  5. Laundry service and ironing kit in the room - You like to dress for success. Your clothes need to be ironed to perfection after they've been in your suitcase for hours. That is why the first thing you do when entering your room is open the wardrobe and look for the ironing board, or the phone for urgent laundry service.
  6. Coffee and tea -  You are powered by caffeine, so you need a hot drink on hand at all times. 
  7. Pillow menu - If you think I'm not serious, let me tell you that I know someone who travels with her pillow everywhere she goes. Hard as nails or soft as a cloud, you need options. 
  8. Gym facilities - You are a believer in Nike’s motto ‘no pressure, no diamonds’, so you want to make sure that you can keep up with your exercise routine while you are away.
  9. Simplicity -  State-of-the-art design and technology are awesome, but you really want to be able to get around the light switches, faucets, air-conditioning and the blinds without calling reception begging for help. Let's not even discuss the toilets in Tokyo.

Any other item you would add to the list? As usual, we'd love to hear from you.   


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