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​Home Sweet Home: A WFH Charter to boost well-being

August 27, 2020


By Catherine Maguire-Vielle
Chief HR Officer, CWT

Photo: Anthony Tran

If you’re more productive working alone than in an open-plan office, you wish that you didn’t have to spend time and money on long commutes, you’re a carer or the parent of a school-age child, you probably groaned as companies that were once staunchly anti-remote working moved their employees home overnight. Covid-19 proved that working from home (WFH) is possible and in many cases, preferable. A recent Gallup poll said that 50% of employees in the U.S preferred it to the office.

Some people are more productive and motivated working at the office, others at home, and many a combination of the two, allowing for days at both locations. Whatever your preference, WFH will play a significant role in the future of work.

Research company Global Workplace Analytics estimates, “Twenty-five to thirty percent of the workforce will be working-from-home multiple days a week by the end of 2021.” Smart companies know the importance of looking after the wellbeing of employees, whether they’re in the boardroom or at the dining room table.

We created a CWT Working from Home charter to provide guiding principles. The goal is simple: To make sure we support each other and make life easier and more comfortable for everyone working from home. What pledges would you add?  

CWT Charter for Working from Home

Wellbeing, self-care and work-life balance

I pledge to:

  • take breaks
    I will block time for meals and reduce screen time where possible.
  • look after myself
    I will eat well and make time for exercise during my workday.
  • stick to a routine
    I will do my best to maintain clear boundaries between work and home life.
  • set physical boundaries
    I will pack work equipment away at the end of the day or have a separate work area, if this is possible.

Engaging with colleagues

I pledge to:

  • check-in with colleagues
    I will have virtual catch-ups with colleagues to check-in, which are not just about work.
  • maintain human contact
    I will try to call colleagues rather than email where possible.
  • to stay connected
    I will use the intranet to stay up-to-date and engage with conversations colleagues are having.
  • create a safe space
    I will let colleagues know it is OK to discuss how they feel about current events. This is an unprecedented time and we are all feeling different emotions.

Showing kindness and consideration

I pledge to:

  • be OK with not being video-ready all the time
    I understand that we are not camera-ready or have to work from a different space in the home, and that is OK.
  • be patient
    I know it is not always a practical time to work on the phone or video call with family at home. It is OK if children or pets make noise or make an appearance.
  • be gracious
    I am mindful that I am entering someone’s home. I will not make people feel self-conscious about interruptions or their surroundings.



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